Saturday, August 07, 2004

book 66

it's such a nice sunny afternoon--i had to go outside to read! unluckily, i left the book i was reading at ooh la latte last night--good thing i had some library books in my car. :)

nora okja keller's fox girl
this book wasn't especially stunning, or exciting, but it was entertaining enough to read on a sunny day, despite its fairly dark subject matter. it's about two girls growing up in korea (after the korean war, i assume), one the daughter of a prostitute who follows in her mother's footsteps, the other her best friend, who is more well off at first. it focuses on the fairly seedy lives of the children abandoned by GIs and their efforts to get away from "america town," the area surrounding the army base. yeah, there're no great life lessons learned and nothing particularly profound happens, but it's not a bad book by any means.

time to head over to durham to reclaim my guterson book . . . or maybe i'll eat a creamsicle.

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