Tuesday, January 04, 2005

death of a giant

will eisner has died.

i swear i will post something besides links soon. i will probably pick up some new comics today, and i even have a new book to read.


  1. Anonymous11:36 PM

    jordon here.

    sad stuff. never got into _the spirit_, but i always thought the splash page he did to start each strip was imaginative. also, didn't he write some book about judaism? correct me if i'm wrong.

    have you read hornschemeier's "mother, come home"? just checked it out from SILS after having bought an issue at books do furnish a room. best comic i've read in a while. the story is good and the artwork is distinctive. i'd be interested in your thoughts.

    see you next week in the moran class.

  2. well, i read mother come home when it was individual issues of forlorn funnies--i'm a huge fan of paul h. from when he was doing sequential--which is out as a collected book now, and which i highly recommend. it's a little uneven, since some of it is stuff he was doing in college, but there are some great moments. and yes, i did love forlorn funnies. i am pretty sure i got weepy at some parts.

    as for eisner: i've never actually read the spirit--but yes, he did write a few things about judaism, mostly notably a contract w/ god, which is generally heralded as the first graphic novel (though it's more of a graphic novella and some short stories really), which was one of the books i used when i talk my class on jews and comics. he also did a retelling of dickens with fagin the jew and his upcoming posthumous book is about the protocols of the elders of zion. he did some amazing things and was one of the most important writers and artists out there--hence the eisners being named for him. :) neil gaiman had some pretty great stuff to say, and so did DC.

  3. IIRC, Contract with God is available at the Hillsborough (main) branch of the Orange public library.

  4. it's also pretty much always in stock at chapel hill comics (formerly 2nd foundation) for those who want to buy it.
