Monday, January 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by wordnerdy.
new shoes--just in time for the first day of school!

on a completely different (and random) note, my ipod was playing the audubon park cover of ghost of rock's "old haunts" as i was walking home today--i adore both versions of the song, but really audubon park could do, like, raffi covers and i would love it--and i was thinking it would be fun if more local bands covered each other's songs. that evil weiner tribute comp last year was amazing, and i'd like to see more in that vein.

maybe the audubon park/erie choir/hotel motel/the nein/cold sides collective can start this sort of fun fucking around, since they're already in each other's bands and all.

ok, that's just my pipe dream of the day. :) carry on!

i'm off to enjoy the 67 degree weather some more . . . north carolina is the best state ever.

1 comment:

  1. they were 60 percent off from the website!!

    it was biologically impossible to resist.
