Thursday, February 03, 2005

2005 book 10

amy krouse rosenthal's encyclopedia of an ordinary life
rosenthal used to have a column on handwritten thing with lots of little drawings--and i loved it. i was sad when she no longer seemed to be updating online anywhere--i even considered buying a book she wrote about parenting, b/c i enjoyed her work so much. and lo and behold, she comes out w/ a memoir! it's really quite lovely, but in terms of presentation and of writing--the jacket is great, the illustrations are perfect. it's organized like an encyclopedia, sort of like an irreverent, non-fiction see under: love. its short entries make the book quick reading--i read half last night, and half while i ate leftover curry in the student lounge--but now i wish it had lasted longer. her writing is just so affable and sweet and adorable, and every so often i found myself saying, "yes, that is SO TRUE!" although she says her life is pretty ordinary, that's what makes this book so great--she's not ordinary at all.

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