Tuesday, March 08, 2005

bookslut/trivial pursuit

the new issue of bookslut is up today, with an awesome and hilarious feature on the book lovers' trivial pursuit that came out last summer.

i of course bought it, being a big nerd, and my friends and i played it at christina's exactly once (my team didn't win, much to my chagrin). i'm pretty sure it didn't take an hour for any of us to get a wedge, although i do dimly recall that after two-plus hours of play we were nowhere near done, and were forced to institute a tie-breaker round just so we could get the hell home.

anyway, the article is pretty funny--be sure and click on the pictures, too.

now i kind of want to play again!


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    That article was excellent. I wish those people were my friends. haha! (MIke)

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I am so there. Also, we owe a certain other library student a T.P. ass-kicking.
