Monday, March 21, 2005

satanic mark

i kind of think it looks more like bowser.


  1. You are right because Bowser is protected by turtles, not Satan. And Bowser is harder to beat than the Devil.

    Plus: nice bit about the dogs on Lady Churchill. Congrats.

  2. all that stuff about the dogs is true! and i got a free book for saying so. (i didn't know it was up on their site--thanks for letting me know!)

    i'm now wondering if there's some bowser-as-devil symbolism i was missing last time i played a mario game. though, he's kind of a nice guy in mario party. or maybe it's his influence that causes all the other characters to try and steal from one another!! gasp!

  3. The devil totally wants you to think that he is cool now so you will invite him to a party or maybe ride around on a cart with them then--bang--you're in hell or Fayetteville wondering what went wrong.

    For your peice: go to, then to the not-a-journal part and there is a link to the results of the contest.

    Now I know someone famous too!

  4. it's not the first time i was famous! sadly, all the newspaper links from when i worked on the murray collection no longer work, so i can't link you to all my appearances from summer 2003.
