Wednesday, April 06, 2005

2005 book 37

louise erdrich's four souls
here's another erdrich book focusing on the ojibwe tribe featured in most of her earlier books--i'm constantly amazed at the richness and depth of the world she's imagined. this is the story of how fleur pillager tries to get her land back from the white man who bought it, as narrated by old nanapush and by the white man's sister-in-law. it trails off a little bit in the last third, as fleur's story is overtaken by nanapush's and as the sister-in-law's story abruptly ends, but things come back around to fleur for a pretty satisfying finish. i really enjoy erdrich's characterizations, and although this is no crown of columbus or last report on the miracles at little no horse, it's still a good read.

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