Thursday, May 05, 2005

odds and ends

i really liked this article in the indy on album covers. by the way, casey burns is the next artist whose work will be shown at chapel hill comics, but i forget the start date of the exhibit, so you'll just have to stop by this saturday for free comic book day and ask. anyway, i especially was pleased to see the mention of the rosebuds' make out cover, b/c when i read the intro of the piece, that was the first album that popped into my mind.

today on my desk there was something called "the new angelic gospelodium." i just thought you should know.

i picked up a bunch of comics yesterday--the usuals: fables, y the last man, powers, and i forget what else right now (b/c i haven't read them yet), along w/ volume 3 of the collected peanuts. dude, i got three papercuts from that thing from running my fingers along the top to open up to where my bookmark was. be forewarned--those top edges are sharp!

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