Monday, July 25, 2005


so hey--i've read some comic book recently, and here are some thoughts about them!

love and rockets v. 2 no. 14--i especially like the day by day with hopey things jaime has been doing.
finder no. 37--the conclusion of the kidnapped baby storyline? i look forward to seeing what's next. this series never lets me down.
y the last man no. 35--trouble's brewing! the return of the bad israelis! eek!
fables no. 39--MOWGLI!! oh, that is so awesome.
plastic man no. 17--this series has grown on me in the past few issues and i guess just won two eisners, so go kyle baker.
nyx no. 6 of 7--wait, this is a miniseries now? how is this all going to wrap up in one issue? whatever.
neverwhere no. 1--i couldn't even get through this. why does door look like a balding goth wharf rat? why is everything so stilted? maybe the book is like that too, but i read it about six years ago so it's not like i remember much besides door and her door-named family. i'm pretty sure neil gaiman doesn't actually have anything to do with this series, so i can ignore it in good faith.

if you're wondering where all the regular book reviews are--i do have a huge stack of books in the to-read pile, but i'm trying to save most (or all) of them for next week's vacation! i need them for beach reading. :) although i imagine my mom will come armed with some magazines, which also make excellent beach reading.


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    have you read/heard anything about the new frank miller/jim lee batman series? don't know if you're a fan of his (i'm not really). the robin-centric premise sounds good at least.

    it was nice to see kyle baker win for plastic man. and dave stewart's colors are the best, he won some too. (i'm reading superhero things right now.)


  2. i've heard that it exists, but not much else, yet. :) i don't think it's something i'll pick up till i hear more about it--maybe not till the trade paperback, if i get it at all. frank miller's good and all, i just get tired of his stuff sometimes. but if it's more about robin, maybe it'll be different and worth checking out . . . what superhero things are you reading? have you checked out house of m? (i haven't.)

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    with a brief detour for dan clowes' new book, it's been all superhero.

    dc: the new frontier (awesome, i like the female characterizations)

    superman: red son (cool premise, wish it had gotten more philosophical with the fickle hand of fate thing instead of blowing shit up)

    top ten (again, cool premise, wish it had focused more on the hierarchy of superpowers and how personal effort counts for something--like, make a junkie who's a total badass but is a junkie, and then that skinny ugly guy in it be a relative weakling but live a good life)

    alias (cool artwork, cool premise, vol. 1 was good, vol. 2 had a ridiculously cliched white-trash premise)

    more in a sec...

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    the authority (i did not like this at all; nuff said!)

    ultimate fantastic four vol 1 (vaguely buffy-ish, the most satisfying read of my summer)

    i'm reading ultimate ff vol 2 right now and intend to pick up y: the last man because everyone is talking about how awesome it is.


  5. oh, i loved new frontier! i also really like the art in that series. i keep meaning to pick up alias but somehow i never do.

    i'm a big fan of Y, so i definitely think you should give it a shot.
