Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by wordnerdy.
hey, check it out: i have an autographed copy of scott pilgrim volume 2 (note the plumtree shirt on scott!).

so anyway, now i have two copies of this hilarious and sweet graphic novel, which means i have one copy to give away to one of my six diligent readers. :)

all you have to do is email me [wordnerd at gmail dot com] and say you want it, and i will pull the names out of a hat (assuming more than two people want it--if just two people want it, i will do eenie meenie instead). deadline is friday night at midnight so get those emails in!

note that i wholeheartedly recommend reading volume 1 so that volume 2 has some context--i'm sure you can pick it up from the fine folks at chapel hill comics, or check the new book shelf at the chapel hill public library (i saw it there just this morning). as scott tells kim several times in volume two when she asks about previous events, "read the book!"

basically i want to spread the scott pilgrim love, because both of these volumes have shot up into my top five all-time-favorite comics/graphic novels/pretty-pictures-with-words sorts of things.


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    That's awesome that the library carries this sort of thing! (MIke)

  2. hadn't you heard? libraries are cool! :)

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    haha :P - I know libraries are cool! But I must admit it's been a long time since I've been in a non-academic library. I have too many "pleasure reading" books on my shelves as it is. well, never "too many," best to say "lots."
