Sunday, October 02, 2005

those wacky vegetarians

i had some propaganda from this group stuck into my door when i came home from seeing a movie this evening--it featured a kitten and a piglet with "which do you pet? which do you eat? WHY?" in bold yellow letters (i would scan it for you, but my external keyboard and mouse are using all my usb ports).

this of course amused me on several levels, because even when i wasn't a vegetarian (and i've been one for over half my life now, more or less) i surely did not eat piglets, or pigs of any variety, due to being a good jewish girl.

so, there you go, vegetarian propagandists! a convert! good for you. way to hit your target audience.

speaking of being a good jewish girl, rosh hashanah begins tomorrow night. i actually ran out of apples a day or so ago whihc means an emergency trip to the weav will take place tomorrow! i'm not sure yet what i'll be baking on tuesday, but it will be full of appley goodness.

l'shana tova, everyone! err, every jewish one!


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    thanks, alicia!
    in other rosh hashanah-related food news, did you see that kugel article in the nytimes this past week? i tried their recipe for potato broccoli kugel, just took it out of the oven about 15 minutes ago, i haven't tried it yet but it smells sooo good! -jodi

  2. Anonymous11:50 PM

    i would eat both. and pet both. is that a problem?


  3. jodi--no!!! i'll have to track that down--i love kugel! i once (somewhta infamously) made a potato kugel by hand without a recipe in high school--it wasn't too bad, although it was a bit salty.

    jordon--i'm allergic to cats, so i find the idea of petting them and/or eating them to be equally unpleasant. ok, not really. ew.

  4. Can I come try some apple-y goodness after tap class??
