Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by wordnerdy.
a-ha! look what i finally laid hands on!

this is my reward for spending the next three days sequestered in my apartment doing schoolwork (except for the times i'm at my actual job). as of friday evening, i will be done for the semester, and thus will be putting in a brief appearance of celebration at the sils holiday party (unless the exhaustion catches up with me first).

but as of saturday, this baby is mine!

it's slightly less intimidating in hardback, and much easier to hold. i'm looking forward to getting buried in a book again--i haven't read for fun since thanksgiving weekend.

saturday night: minutemen tribute at local 506! another way to celebrate being DONE FOR THE SEMESTER! december is suddenly going to become my favorite month--i think i'll love the 20 hour workweek and all the books i can tackle in those other 20 hours. :)


  1. hard back is much more managable. Is that new? Where did you get it?

  2. i ended up ordering it from amazon--to my surprise, the hardback was only 3 dollars more or something (ok, then there's shipping, but whatever).
