Thursday, April 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by wordnerdy.
today this little cowgirl is twenty-freaking-seven years old! holy crap!

me and some friends will be at lantern at nine for drinks and desserts, if you want to help me celebrate my oldness. :) (then it's right back to master's-paper-writing for me!)

unrelated: hooray for gray horses getting a feature in salon! i love hope larson. (one note: although she lives in canada with her husband, bryan lee o'malley [of scott pilgrim fame], larson is actually from north carolina.)

what a great day!!

(me and my brother, halloween 1982)


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    i told myself i wouldn't cry:) i love that picture---you guys are
    too cute! happy birthday, baby!
    have a great day!

  2. why thank you, ms pinky!

  3. Could be the cutest picture EVER! And your mom is pretty adorable, too! Happy Birthday, Alicia - I am so happy you were born! :)

  4. that was so sweet!!

    i'm happy i was born too. :) (but thinking about that too hard makes my brain hurt!)

  5. Happy B! Sorry I missed it. This is what happens when I don't read the internet everyday.

  6. how can you live without daily doses of the internet?? *scandalized*

    thank you for the birthday wishes. :)
