Saturday, May 13, 2006

progress report: packing

i think i may end up with over 60 boxes JUST OF BOOKS (and comics).

*insert hilarious image of shock and chagrin here*

at least i have fresh strawberries and cheese from the farmer's market with which to console myself . . .


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    that's alot of books.

    i only had four boxes of books, but the boxes came up to my waist. the movers didn't like hauling those bad boys up 3 flights of stairs.


  2. a lot of these aren't big boxes, hence the large number! my movers won't have to go up any stairs so hopefully they won't be too annoyed . . .

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    That was nice of you to spread the books among several boxes. I've moved a few book worms, and big boxes of books can be a bitch.

  4. Anonymous10:38 PM

    i know. i should've spread the wealth. there was this psychological thing about fewer boxes, though.

  5. no, i totally get that--i, for one, am sick of putting books in boxes.
