Saturday, August 12, 2006


Originally uploaded by wordnerdy.
this morning i went over to the farmer's market to buy obscenely cheap fruits and to ogle the kittens (should i get a kitten?). anyway, i went to slice up my apples and peaches and plums for a fruit salad, only they were all quite ripe and i saw they wouldn't last too long. so i made a summer fruit cobbler! (i also threw in some berries i had in the fridge.)

man, it's tasty! it would go perfectly with some vanilla ice cream--but it's pretty awesome on its own, too.


  1. it's probably still pretty awesome with just peaches and plums. :)

  2. Anonymous12:10 AM

    oooooh my god, the only thing I love more than pie (and I *DO* love pie) is cobbler. YUM! (MIke, the cobblerfiend)

  3. Anonymous4:34 PM

    DON'T get a kitten! Trust me--it's more complicated than it seems. You are free and easy now. Enjoy it! Wait to get a pet until you're already 'tied down' (whatever THAT means). With love--
