Monday, September 04, 2006

2006 book 102

Steve Almond and Julianna Baggott's Which Brings me to You
I'd been putting off reading this one, because although I'm a fan of Baggott, I'm generally not a fan of Almond (though his advice column at Nextbook does have its moments). Anyway, this is an epistolary novel, letters back and forth between a couple who almost got it on at a wedding, but didn't, and now they're writing out their past romantic and life histories to each other. And I just could not suspend my disbelief at all. Seriously, even if the characters do turn out to be a professor and a photographer/artsy type, I just don't believe real people who aren't novelists would write letters like these, with such pretty and moving language and whatnot. And all the letters are LONG! Aside from middle schoolers, who writes such long notes in real life? Whatever, I mean, it was entertaining and well-written, I guess, but the premise (and the end) didn't really work for me.


  1. yeah - the end was bad. and I didn't really buy most of it either.

  2. I guess it was an interested idea, but I don't think it could ever be done well.
