Saturday, October 28, 2006

2006 book 121

Keith Donahue's The Stolen Child
I think Amazon was pimping this book a couple months ago, and deservedly so. Also, it's great Halloweentime reading, as its plot is more than a little creepy. It revolves around a little boy, Henry, who runs away from home only to be replaced by a changeling. The two Henrys' stories are told in alternating chapters as each tries to puzzle out his identity. Adding to the creepy factor, for me, was realizing that the story takes place in Pittsburgh. It made me feel like wild little fairy children were spying on us when we were kids, plotting to steal our lives.

In other news, I hit St. Mark's Wildlife Refuge today for the Butterfly Festival, which was nice and all, but really impressive was walking on the gulf coast over by the lighthouse--we saw thousands of migrating monarchs, little crabs, big crabs, huge horseshoe crabs, and lots of beautiful birds. The only thing putting a damper on the day was that my camera battery was dead, and I missed a lot of amazing nature photo ops. Maybe next time . . .


  1. Anonymous12:00 AM

    On the news here tonight, they were theorizing that some of the monarchs may winter over in Florida, which would be a VERY interesting scientific development. And it would give you more opportunities for pictures, and smiles.

    You can buy milkweed seeds inexpensively, and if you plant them in your yard, or in a pot you can take with you when you move, maybe next spring you can have your own monarchs :)

  2. ooh!! thanks for the tip!

    i'm pretty sure monarchs would be happier in south florida, but they did seem to enjoy the gulf coast.
