Monday, November 06, 2006


Well, election day is tomorrow, and I'm pretty worried about the results for my new state of residence. The local paper (in a county that skews blue!) endorsed the goofball Republican running for governor, claiming he's a moderate. I found such characterization to be pretty amusing; I've been watching this douche's attack ads for months now, and during the primary he painted a pretty ugly picture of his supposedly liberal opponent, and also talked about how only he would keep up Jeb Bush's family values. Yeah, real friggin' moderate. Stupid local paper. At least they didn't endorse Katherine Harris . . .

In other news, check out this awesome upscale chocolate sushi. I am obsessed with upscale chocolate lately!


  1. whoa - when you say upscale, you aren't kidding.

    they have chocolate lucky cats! I have a wee one on my desk that looks just like that, but I can't eat it :-)

  2. it's just about too cute to eat.

    i get the vosges catalogs now, so upscale chocolate is on the brain (if not in my stomach). the sushi candy is really cute though!! i love realistic-looking items. which is kind of meta in this case, since sushi is already a food . . . oh never mind, obviously i need more caffeine today. and/or upscale chocolate.

  3. doesn't all chocolate?
