Friday, November 03, 2006

good news

The show I saw tongiht was WAY better than all the books I've read recently! Hooray for Pony Up!(a poppy girl band from Montreal--I like to imagine their merch festooned in My Little Ponies) and Tilly and the Wall (the tapdancing was awesome, in the literal sense of the word, and not the way I generally overuse it). In case I haven't said it, let me state for the record that Club Down Under is by far the best college campus venue I've ever seen. I'll be back again Monday for the Mountain Goats! (It doesn't quite make up for missing the Audubon Park/Erie Choir cd release show, but it's still nice to get some local music love.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I actually went to that exact show at the Cradle on Friday night. Really excellent show, and both bands had the entire venue jumping up and down, which is more than I can say for most bands I've seen there. Tilly couldn't believe the reception, and thanked us after every song. It was very cute. I bought the newest Pony Up! cd from their drummer (the band made a comment about wanting to move to Carrboro), and it's pretty great. Did you see Tilly and the Wall on Letterman? I'm so happy for them. :)
