Tuesday, April 17, 2007

2007 book 51

Hey, I'm in Philly! I only finished one book on the way here (b/c I slept through my 7 am flight, and the other book I had for the trip here is long). Anyway, I made it with only an hour delay, which was a serious relief.

Sanda Dallas' Tallgrass
This novel centers on a 13 year old girl in Colorado in 1942; when a Japanese internment camp opens up a mile down the road, she and her family find themselves in the middle of a very charged situation. I really liked all the characters here--there were just a few false notes that rang a little too Disney-channel-movie for me (you know: "Let's all be friends! Racists are bad! I have learned to accept the differences of others!") but on the whole the story was an enjoyable one. I do wonder if there were people so sympathetic to the Japanese prisoners, or if that's just sort of a liberal guilt reaction and an "if IIII was there, I'd have been nice and stood up for them!" rewriting of history. Race politics aside, it was a really good read. A-.

PS. Comic book writer/artist Kevin Huizenga's wife is at this training thing too!!!

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