Friday, May 25, 2007

dinosaurs and the bible

This article couldn't be more timely, as this week at my place of work, someone attempted to donate a subscription to this ministry's magazine. (I actually intended to take it home to scan bits and pieces, but the donor wanted it back.)

The most recent issue had a Noah's Ark theme, including a centerfold and proof positive that dinosaurs lived in biblical times AND were passengers on the ark. It also had a letter suggesting that people donate it to their local libraries--mystery solved. I'm not going to get into the rest of the content . . . it sort of makes me laugh and cry simultaneously.

Anyway, I know you all must be bitterly disappointed not to be able to witness this yourself, and I am bitterly disappointed that I cannot share it with you. Maybe you should schedule a trip to the theme park!


  1. hmm, your library doesn't maintain a collection of dumbfuckiana?

  2. You know, I knew the Religion grad students would love it--one just wrote a great paper on teen bible magazines, and another wrote a great one on the Left Behind books--but I couldn't add it to the collection in good conscience.

  3. Anonymous10:34 PM

    reading that article and thinking about that museum made my brain hurt. it's funny cos we were talking earlier about whether the fossil record proves that god must be a right bastard, planting false clues to trick people into doubting his existence etc etc. but it hadn't occured to me that one could just will themself into believing that the fossil record *proves* that the earth is only 6000 years old. wow!
