Sunday, September 30, 2007

finally, all my tv watching pays off

I've been selected to be a Nielsen family! Or whatever! Finally, my preferred tv shows will have their moment in the sun! Of course, I won't be receiving the booklet thingy until late November, so I just hope all my shows will be on.


  1. awesome! how did you qualify? i want to be one. is there like a fraternity (or sorority, or co-ed eating house) that you can get me into?

  2. Haha, if I knew the secret, I'd pass it on! I've been wanting to do this for years (my family did it once when I was a kid). I totally got cold-called for it. You'll just have to hope the phone will ring for you!

  3. This is super awesome! I fully expect you to single-handedly save my favorite tv shows this season. I think they use some sort of sampling technique to choose which households qualify... K was in a Nielsen home when she was growing up, but her two older brothers liked really terrible tv.

  4. Yeah, I imagine my family's tv habits back in the 80s were pretty awful. I distinctly remember watching a lot of TGIF. *shudder*

    I just want to keep putting a good word in for How I Met Your Mother! That show is awesome and totally not watched heavily enough.

    Feel free to let me know what shows you think are worth saving and maybe I'll watch them. :)

  5. I think we actually watch pretty much the same stuff, so there's nothing you actually have to do. Except I like Survivor (maybe the only show I like that I know you don't like), but I don't think that's going to be in the ratings toilet any time soon.
