Sunday, February 24, 2008

no-knead bread

Originally uploaded by wordnerdy
I decided to try the no-knead bread recipe (from the NY Times) this weekend, since people have been raving about it for eons and it's been ages since I baked bread. I was feeling a little anxious about this endeavor when, after letting the bread rise for 20 hours, it didn't look very risen (though the smell assured me that the yeast had fermented) and was sticky as all get-out. It was a bitch to work with and I told my dad I was sure I had a disaster on my hands; things didn't improve when, as per instructions, I preheated my oven to 450 and stuck a big covered pot in there. Shortly thereafter, a crackling noise erupted from the oven and my smoke alarm went off. Yes, the plastic on the pot lid had started to melt. I put the still-horrible-after-two-hours-of-rising dough into an uncovered cake pan (deciding to cook for 30 minutes instead of 45, and at 400 instad of 450) and hoped for the best.

Lo and behold . . . it looks ugly as hell but is DELICIOUS. It's light and fluffy on the inside and nice and crackly on the outside. I totally will make this recipe again now that I know its weirdnesses--five minutes of prep time beats having to mess with bread dough every two hours (though I do like making challah and probably will do it again, and I am still obsessed with my dough hook and recommend it to everyone).

Anyway, yay for yummy homemade bread!

PS. This is the first photo I've uploaded using my Macbook! And my wireless is even working at the moment!