Sunday, March 09, 2008

snl/vampire weekend

Last night I actually stayed up late enough to catch part of Saturday Night Live--which really isn't very funny these days, even when they have a gifted comedian like Amy Adams hosting (seriously, she is hilarious in her first two movies, Drop Dead Gorgeous and Psycho Beach Party, two of my all-time favorites). What really caught my attention, though, was the musical guest, Vampire Weekend. Granted, I've never heard them before--despite reading about them on music blogs for months now--but I wasn't that impressed. Did they sound like a hipster version of Jimmy Buffett, or what? Is that just me? Am I suddenly old and crotchety? (I do turn 29 in just four weeks. Eek.) Do hipsters suddenly like the mellow tropical sounds of Jimmy Buffett? It's ok if they do (I attended several Jimmy Buffett shows back in the day)--I'm mostly just curious.


  1. haha, that characterization is completely apt! i too haven't drunk the vampire weekend kool-aid. the guys on "sound opinions" called it something like a hipster paul simon. in fact, i think on one of their tracks they actually use ladysmith black mambazo!

    exactly what would a hipster jimmy buffet sound like? "veggie burger in paradise"?

  2. I think I was expecting them to be a little more rock 'n' roll with that name, and was totally boggled at the 30 seconds of calypso chill music I caught.

    Maybe "Why don't we get drunk on PBR and screw safely like responsible hipsters"?

  3. HOORAY!

    I completely fail to understand the appeal of Vampire Weekend. They totally remind me of "Graceland" era Paul Simon, so I love that that's already been called out. Why are they on all the covers of music magazine?! Why do otherwise good radio stations love them!? Why were they all dressed like asshole bullies and Blaines from 80s teen films last night on SNL??

  4. As a publicist, they completely drive me nuts as they have already managed to be on the cover of Spin and get on SNL after like 5 minutes as a band. Jimmy Buffet for people "too cool" to like Jimmy Buffet.

  5. and not just the cover of Spin, but the so-called "Best Band of the Year."

    I weep.
