Tuesday, August 26, 2008

recently shared links

Great piece about how Quail Ridge bookstore created a phenomenon. (Though I personally didn't love the book.)

Cutest camera EVERRRRRR. I want it in baby blue. I've been thinking about replacing my digital camera (which still works great at 4 years old, but which I accidentally close almost every time I try to take a picture, which makes me crazy) and this one, besides being highly attractive, has some great features.

In other tech-I-lust-for news, it looks like a new version of the Kindle is heading down the pipeline--and it's (slightly) more affordable! Hanukkah present maybe? ;)

And finally--how excited am I for the Merge Records 20th anniversary box set? (Um, VERY!) No worries, Triangle denizens, I will most definitely be in town for the 20th anniversary festivities.

Ooh, wait, tangentially related--long piece on Scharpling and Wurster in the AV Club. That's for all the Friends of Tom out there. (Or for their wives, who actually read this blog.)

1 comment:

  1. wow - I was dying reading that piece about Rock Rot and Rule - I've never heard it but always wondered what it was about.
