Saturday, August 14, 2010

2010 book 205

Kirsten Miller's The Eternal Ones
Miller, author of the beloved Kiki Strike books (well, beloved by me, and you too if you'd read them), sets that world aside for a while to tell a YA story about a girl who has mysterious visions of the past, and wants to find out what they mean with the help of her gay best friend and a local snake-handling girl. So she goes off to the big city and blah blah blah. My problem with this is that the main character is a total ninny. Like, every other page she's changing her mind about whether or not she trusts her love interest (when the answer is clear to the reader, this is especially annoying). It's a little hard to sympathize with her, and the villains are maybe a bit too villainous. Still, it's Miller, so things are entertaining enough. I just wish she'd write another Kiki Strike book already. B.

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