Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010 book 209

Laura Lippman's I'd Know You Anywhere
It's to Lippman's credit that, for the first few pages of this story, I forgot I was reading a Laura Lippman book--I was all settled into a domestic drama when it came out that the protagonist, a mother of two, was kidnapped the summer she was fifteen. And then it was like, oh right, this is a Laura Lippman book, and it's a thriller. But again, Lippman does a good job of marrying the domestic with the thrills, as we flash back to that pivotal summer, and as the kidnapper--now on death row--gets back in touch with the protagonist. This book is actually fairly intense, and I had to keep taking breaks from it. And I have mixed feelings about the ending. Still, a solid read. B+.

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