Saturday, January 08, 2011

2011 book 11

Tayari Jones' Silver Sparrow
This was one of the ARCs I was most excited to get at Midwinter, b/c thanks to having friends at Algonquin, I feel like I've been waiting for it FOREVER (but it doesn't come out till May). So this is a story about growing up, about being an outsider, about the secrets that come from being a teenager girl--but mostly it's the story of a girl who herself is a secret, and that's b/c her father is married with a daughter, and she's the daughter of his secret second wife. We see her grow up, longing for the life she can never have, watching her sister from afar--and then the story shifts to the legitimate sister's point of view. Jones does both girls justice and both their stories broke my heart. A.

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