Monday, November 21, 2011

2011 book 292

Jay Asher and Carolyn Macker's The Future of Us
I was excited about this book for a couple of reasons--Asher is the author of the EXCELLENT Thirteen Reasons Why, and this has a great premise (it's about a couple of teenagers in the 90s who find their future Facebook pages and start trying to alter their futures. I love this concept and of course it made me wonder--what would teenage you think of your current social media presence?). But it turned out to be even awesomer (for me) than I'd hoped--besides the premise and the very likable characters, it totally resonated with me b/c the girl character is just my age, and it's set in a small town near Pittsburgh. Plus the 90s-era references to Oasis and Dave Matthews (though actually, I don't remember Dave Matthews really getting huge till my freshman year of college, and this takes place two years earlier) and Discmen (is that the plural of Discman?) were pretty funny. The end is pretty obvious, but I really liked the future-changing shenanigans, and like I said, very appealing characters. Completely absorbing and entertaining, if a little silly. A.

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