Friday, September 21, 2012

2012 book 257

Stephen Tobolowsky's The Dangerous Animals Club
Normally it wouldn't really occur to me to read a book of autobiographical essays by a Hollywood character actor (Tobolowsky has basically been in everything--look him up on imdb!--but I am forever fond of him as Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day), except that after he guest-starred on one of my favorite shows, Community, he wrote an essay about it, so I knew he could really write. And his stories of his life--his childhood in Texas, his relationship with a long-time girlfriend (who won a Pulitzer), adventures with his wife and children, and many stories about acting--are sometimes surprisingly philosophical, often bittersweet, and even more often COMPLETELY HILARIOUS. I was actually, like, guffawing at some parts. Very entertaining stuff, especially for the pop culture junkies. A/A-.

A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on Tuesday.

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