Sunday, February 10, 2013

2013 book 49

Marie Brennan's A Natural History of Dragons
Surprisingly fun novel where an elderly woman--a renowned scientist--is looking back on her early years, discussing how she came to be on her path. It's set in Victorian-ish times but in an alternate world (not only are there dragons, all the countries have different names and the religions are very different--sort of. The main characters come from an England-ish place but their religion has some similarities to Judaism). So girls being scientists, and particularly being interested in dragons, is frowned upon, and her journey is an interesting one. She's only like 20 when the book ends, though, and the text implies sequels--which I am eager to read. This book fits in nicely with all those Jane-Austen-ish books where there's magic, and that's a genre I'm way into. A-.


  1. That's my friend's book! *happygrin* I love it when my friendstreams cross.

  2. Oh, that is AWESOME! Do you know if there will be sequels? Her website indicates no but the book indicates yes.

  3. Off the top of my head, i believe that she's not contracted for any sequels yet, but that she would like to write more? Given that this book seems to be doing well, i'm hopeful. (:

  4. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
