Friday, March 29, 2013

2013 book 96

Bridget Zinn's Poison
For the first two-thirds of this book, I was like, ok, this is a typical fantasy adventure sort of book, about a girl who's a poison master, and who's on the run after a failed attempt at assassinating the princess (who happens to be her best friend), and of course there's a cute boy and I was not interested in their romance at all. The high point for me was an adorable magical pig (I kept picturing Waddles from Gravity Falls). I mean, it was fine, just not particularly compelling. And then the last third gets super awesome! I mean, the romance is still there and cliched and predictable (but likable enough), but there's some pretty cool stuff going on otherwise. It's a standalone (and the author died tragically young of cancer, so there won't be any sequels for sure, which ugh, sad), which is a nice change of pace too. An actual ending, how novel in a YA novel! B+.

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