Thursday, May 09, 2013

2013 book 136

Sarah Ockler's The Book of Broken Hearts
YA Romance is easily one of my LEAST favorite genres, because reading about teenagers pining over each other is really uninteresting to me, and they tend to be pretty cheesy. Plus I hate that so many of them are, like, "yay, I met my soulmate!" I get that teenagers FEEL that way, but as a 34-year-old, I'm interested in something more realistic, and less drama-riffic. (This one ACTUALLY CONTAINS THE LINE "Everything inside me begged for his kiss." Cringe-o-rama.) There are a couple other things going on in this one--the protagonist's father has early onset Alzheimer's, for one thing; for another, the whole premise of the book is that like all the Vargas boys broke all her older sisters' hearts, and thus she has vowed to never get involved with one . . . and of course ends up hiring the hot youngest one to fix her dad's old motorcycle. You can basically guess the whole rest of the plot from there. I personally would have liked more with the sisters--the glimpses we get are so interesting--but it's a YA Romance, so teens pining and whining instead. So, this was really not my thing. B-.

A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released on May 21st.

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