Sunday, July 07, 2013

2013 book 190

Suzanne Collins' Gregor and the Marks of Secret
Dang, if you thought Mockingjay was dark, you have clearly not read this series. This one has some straight-up mouse genocide. That's not hyperbole. Adorable giant mice who can communicate and whatnot being systematically gassed (spoilers). Genocide. This was almost more traumatizing than that one scene from Watership Down that still haunts me (4th grade is NOT an appropriate place to show that movie! I still see those screaming bunnies). Anyway, there's another quest, another prophecy, another band of bats and rats and cockroaches and people, this time trying to save the mice. There are also the first stirrings of romance between Gregor and the pretty (but badass) princess here; I admit to hoping a little bit that they would just be buds, b/c reading about lovelorn eleven/twelve year olds is really not my thing. Anyway, onto the 5th one, when we finally find out about the BIG prophecy that will put all these puny previous prophecies to shame. B.

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