Saturday, July 20, 2013

2013 book 200

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Apparently Harry Potter is my comfort reading for when I'm not feeling 100 percent, and nothing else would do! I actually have thought of something new to say about this book after umpteenth readings. When Rowling was revealed as the author of the Cuckoo's Calling, all sorts of reviewers talked about the book's depiction of fame in relation to the murdered supermodel Lula. But the HP books are also very much about celebrity, and how people's perceptions of HP shift based on it (maybe more so in the later books, but it's very present in book 1--especially since Harry has no memory of what he's famous for). And Rowling wasn't famous at all when she wrote this book--so maybe it's just something she's interested in? Of course, she can obviously relate to it much more now.

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