Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014 book 129

Diana Gabaldon's Written in My Own Heart's Blood
I think this is the first Outlander book where no one is raped (though there is an attempted rape and a lot of flashbacks to a previous rape), so, hooray for that? The racism is also toned down somewhat, though that's mainly because there are so few minority characters (there is some anti-Semitism, but that was period-appropriate and is expressed by the characters, not in the writing) (A black lady blushing is compared to a plum at one point, just FYI. Is that racist or just weird?). All in all, this was a much more pleasant reading experience than the last couple of books. I mean, it's still basically a time-traveling soap opera with an ever-expanding cast of characters (I had to Google two of them, b/c I had no idea who they were). And there are a few characters, like Roger, who disappear from the narrative for like 200 pages at a time--but that's ok, because Roger is boring. And a couple of plot points are left hanging. But I honestly feel like, with the way this wrapped up, this could be a nice finale for the series. Sadly, it's a huge money-maker, so I'm sure Gabaldon will think of some more torturous experiences for these characters to go through before it's all over.

I jsut noticed that I wrote all that and didn't even mention the plot, which is mainly b/c nothing much happens in 800+ pages. There's the Revolutionary War and whatnot, but still. Soap opera. B.


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Awesome - thank you! I debated whether or not to buy this book or just wait for it to become available at the library. Library it is!

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Totally and completely agree! Didn't like the last book at all, and this was no better. New to the series in the past year, and had almost all-nighters because I couldn't put some of the earlier books down. All activity in the house would go on hold until I finished the book (take-out for supper, laundry could wait! haha!). Had no problem putting this one down. Got SO annoyed with the massive switches between plot lines in the different sections/parts. Just when I would start to get invested in the characters again, BAM, back to a totally and completely unrelated plot line. Even debated on reading them out of sequence just so I could finish one story and then the other. The absolutely could have been 2 different books, and probably should have been. The last 4-5 pages could have been at the end of the second one. Sigh...I fear the days of the marathon Gabaldon reading are long gone. Sad.
