Tuesday, July 24, 2018

2018 book 115

Becky Chambers' Record of a Spaceborn Few
YAY, new Becky Chambers is here! The third book in her Wayfarers series focuses on a disparate cast of characters, all part of the Fleet that left Earth whenever it left Earth, who still live in their human enclave. They include Tessa, a working mom and sister of the captain from the first book; Isabel, an aging archivist (with a sassy wife! and an alien visitor!); Kip, a restless teenage boy; Sawyer, a frustratingly stupid twenty year old; and Eyas, a young woman who is the scifi equivalent of a funeral director. There are also dispatches from the aforementioned alien visitor. I had trouble keeping everything straight at first, but eventually I got into the swing of things, and really enjoyed this. It’s maybe not as cohesive a story as the first two—the characters do intersect here and there, but the overarching plot is more about family and home in a vaguer way. But like I said, I liked this a lot and definitely recommend it. A-.

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