Sally Rooney's Normal People
Rooney writes books that, when you describe them, sound maybe like general/women's fiction, but she definitely has a more literary bent. That is maybe why I found this sliiiiightly dissatisfying! It's about two people, starting as teens, when she is a rich social outcast, and he is the popular son of her house cleaner, and how they come together and apart through high school and college. I read this pretty much in one sitting and was totally into it, even though much of the conflict could have been cleared up if either party was willing to have an honest conversation about their feelings. I don’t know what sort of resolution would have satisfied me here, but the ending here left me a little empty. A-.
A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released in April.
I loved this book, but I totally see where you are coming from with all of your comments, too!