Friday, September 18, 2020

2020 book 179

 Robin Hobb's Ship of Magic

This is the start of a new trilogy set in the same world as the ones about Fitz; I was psyched to start because these characters sail around on LIVING SHIPS! Yes, some boats are magically alive and have personalities and feelings!! I mean, there are also a lot of interesting humans in this one. It has a lot more POV characters—Althea, the daughter of a ship captain, stuck with a horrible sexist brother in law; her father's first mate; her nephew, in training to be a priest; various other of her relatives; an extremely unpleasant sociopath who wants to be King of the Pirates; a couple of living ships, sea serpents etc. I liked the first three and all the ships a lot but wanted someone to kill the two awful dudes. Smash the patriarchy!  Parts of this I read with dread (including the ending) and parts have me rooting for romance and friendship and happy living ships. Only two more 800 page books to go to see how it wraps up! A-.

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