Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 book 258

 Ursula K. LeGuin's A Wizard of Earthsea

I haven’t read much by LeGuin so have decided to rectify that! I actually have tried to read this one before, but the protagonist is such a brat for the first few chapters (I think “sullen” is the word used to describe him most) that I gave up on it. But I am reading this whole series so had to plow ahead, and he does get much better. The back half is kind of a slow psychological quest that I was personally not super into (catch the freaking shadow already!!), but I did like how it all wrapped up. All the main characters and good guys are people of color and all the baddies are white, very progressive for a book written in the 60s! Also, some good bro friendships. B+.

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