Thursday, January 13, 2022

2022 book 8

 T. Kingfisher's Nettle and Bone

This isn’t actually out for a couple of months, but if you think I was going to wait to read the new and much-hyped Ursula Vernon book, you got another think (thing? Which is it?) coming. And this was sooooo good and so satisfying. She's playing with fairy tale tropes, but in her trademark dark and creepy and cool way. We start with a youngest of three, who's grateful to have been send off to live in a convent, except then she discovers her elder sister's prince husband is actually an abusive murderer, and is determined to rescue her. Soon impossible tasks, bone dogs, and fairy godmothers are all in the mix, and it's GREAT. I just really loved these characters, and this isn’t a romance (though there is a teeny bit of romance), so it breaks the mold of the author's recent books (don’t get me wrong, I love those books, but it’s nice to read something more surprising). I just found this really satisfying, which is the best thing a book can be. A. 


A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released in April.

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