Tuesday, November 29, 2022

2022 book 205

 Sharon Shinn's The Shuddering City

Shinn's latest is an stand-alone featuring an array of narrators—a former priest, who left the city ten years ago and is now returning; a young woman warrior who needs a job and suddenly has a child in her care; another young woman who may or may not have someone trying to kill her; and a guard whose charge is a woman on house arrest for mysterious reasons, famous for seducing her guards to help her escape. These stories come together in a really interesting way, though some of the reveals were way grimmer than I expected! Still, it’s Shinn, so I had faith things would work out in a satisfying manner. I always love her little details; here, everyone has bracelets that indicate their gender identity/sexual orientation, as well as other bracelets for family members, and everyone is forever lifting up sleeves to be like “here’s my deal” which I liked. A/A-.

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