Monday, February 20, 2023

2023 book 36

 Rebecca Thorne's Can't Spell Treason Without Tea

** This book is FREE on Kindle this week since the author is taking it off of Kindle Unlimited (and since the sequel is out on Thursday). **

When you’re cranky because you read a book that mildly annoyed you, the cure is to read a book that is FUN, so here I am, finally checking out one of the hot new cozy fantasy novels. And it WAS fun! It’s about a woman who works as part of the royal guard for a cruel queen, and her secret girlfriend, a powerful mage, and what happens when they decide to run away together and open up a bookshop-slash-tea shop. (The dream!) Of course there are locals to befriend, stray teens to adopt, dragons to fend off, griffins to fly around on, mysteries to start solving, etc. I am excited to see what adventures they have next! A-.

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