Tuesday, November 14, 2023

2023 book 212

 Sharon Shinn's Whispering Wood

Shinn's latest is a return to the Elemental Blessings series, so I was super psyched for it! And I mostly liked it a lot—the main character is the new king's sister, come to the city for the coronation and persuaded to stay even though she’s grumpy about it. And she was great, and I loved her gradually opening up and getting caught up in the politics. But the whole time I was like, maybe this is the first book in the series that won’t have a romance, bc the love interest is her childhood friend, and I would have liked to see a book about friends! (I was also not into him as a love interest at all until the very end.) I wonder if this is the end of the series, bc there’s now been a book for each of the major elemental categories, but there’s also definitely room for more (I secretly hope for lesbians in the next one—there are several queer women side characters). B+.

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