Thursday, July 02, 2009

2009 book 138 1/2

The Merge Records Companion: A Visual Discography of the First Twenty Years
What a nice surprise to find this in my mailbox (with volumes 7 and 8 of the Score! box set celebrating Merge's 20th anniversary). This has very little text, so it's hard to count as a full book, but I certainly spent plenty of time perusing it! The awesome folk at Merge had band members, Merge employees, family, and friends pose with each and every album Merge has released in its 20 years--of course it was fun to flip through the first ten years of Merge album covers and marvel at the art, but the last ten are the ones that got to me! Those were the ones that I've played on WXDU, and bought and loved (sometimes more than once--I own three copies of Essex Green's Cannibal Sea, b/c I kept forgetting I owned it already and wanted them to have my money anyway), and even reviewed occasionally. I am awash in nostalgia! Anyway, the visual discography is a really cool idea, this is a great presentation, and I'm proud to know people whose hands appear here! It will be on sale later this year, so keep an eye out for it if you're not a Score! subscriber.

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