Monday, January 04, 2016

2016 book 2

Sara Pennypacker's Pax
Y'all, purchase a box of Kleenex before you read this book, because the VERY FIRST THING that happens is that a boy is forced to give up his pet fox, whom he's raised since he was a little orphaned baby fox. Sob city. The story proceeds from there, as the boy and his fox--A BOY AND HIS FOX!!!!!--try to find one another (yes, the fox is a POV character!) as dangers come at them from all sides--mainly due to war creeping closer and closer. My only complaint about this story is that I wanted there to be MORE, because I was super invested in the characters. Definitely one for the pantheon of child-and-animal stories, PLUS Jon Klassen illustrations! Heartbreaking and somehow sweet. A/A-.

A review copy was provided by the publisher. This book will be released in February.

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