Thursday, July 08, 2021

2021 book 143

 Elizabeth Moon's Hunting Party

OK, this was super up my alley. It's about a woman from a military family who has left the outer space military for ~reasons~ and has now taken the job as the captain of a luxury spaceship yacht, owned by an eccentric older woman. And they're off to a sort of England-themed planet (owned by a man called Bunny) for a season of fox hunting (well, hunting a creature that was bioengineered to look like a fox), with the yacht owner's spoiled nephew and his hangers-on in tow. I loved both women's narrative voices and found this really engaging and funny. And then things took a hard turn toward ACTION! Lots of great and interesting women doing stuff! I had high hopes for outer space lesbianism but things wrapped up in an aggressively heteronormative manner. Sidebar, the captain seems coded as a minority based on the text (several mentions of her dark skin) but the book cover shows a white lady! Uncool, book cover artist. Anyway, very fun read, I'm psyched to see where this series goes next. A/A-.

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