Monday, October 07, 2024

2024 book 165

 Betsy Lerner's Shred Sisters

This has been getting so much buzz! It was fine. I mean, I liked it enough to read in one sitting, but didn’t think it was doing anything especially interesting? I’m surprised this hasn’t been picked up by one of the big book clubs because it had that kind of vibe to me—fiction for book clubs that actually want to discuss the book. Anyway, it’s the story of a family, told through the POV of the younger sister, whose older sister is wild (and maybe mentally ill). And the younger sister, though academically gifted, also struggles to figure her life out. But like, I felt like the story skimmed over all the /details/ of her life—maybe if it was longer it would feel more fleshed out? But also it is kind of about a depressed woman in unhappy hetero relationships, which just isn’t super compelling. B+.

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