Monday, April 11, 2005

electric ladyland

here's a sort of interesting new book at the music library. i thought it would be about girl rock-'n'-rollers, and parts of it are, but the second half is all about groupies--including the infamous cynthia plaster caster. it's pretty entertaining to see a scholarly book explain her work:

Cynthia and her assistant du jour would fellate the subject and then plunge his erect penis into a mold filled with dental alginate . . . In addition to being integral to the early history of the groupie subculture, Cynthia's story also integrates the idea of the sexual revolution discussed in Chapter 1.

apparently cynthia was initially attracted to broadway stars--see where the crazy path of the musical leads?!


  1. I swear I've read this - but it just came out so I couldn't have. Perhaps that's not the first book to deal with that particular topic.

    (how else would I be familiar with the concept of "alginate" - I definitely have never er...done that myself!)

  2. there's a documentary on cynthia plaster caster--some of my friends watched it one time, but i guess i wasn't morbidly curious enough and passed. anyway, probably you have read stuff about her before. :)
