Monday, April 11, 2005

news (local) jews can use

the carrboro harris teeter has dr brown's in the passover section--but it's not actually kosher for passover, being full of corn syrup. don't let its placement on the shelf fool you! also, their shelf placement sucks anyway, since all the cookies were on a shelf way out of my reach. harris teeter is biased against short jews.

oh--if you want to make a matzoh lasagna (and i know you do!), barilla pasta sauce is one of the few at teeter that is sans corn syrup, so i guess it counts as kosher, or as kosher as you're gonna find in north carolina.

and has anyone spotted the good cake mixes, with the pudding in them? the kroger in durham had them the first couple of years i lived here, but i haven't been able to find them since. i need my extra-moist passover cakes to get me through the last week of classes!


  1. heh, i had a seder last year and it was more than a little bit stressful. my family is pretty traditional (and ashekenazi) so i avoid all non-matzah grain products. it is actually possible to make yummy passover food, though! let me know if you need recipes--i have five jewish cookbooks.

    as for the haggadah: i grew up using the classic maxwell house haggadah. hee. last year i printed one from the magical internet--some simple beginner one, since most of my guests weren't actually jewish. i have yet to find a real haggadah that i like.

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    they have the Manischewitz cake mixes w/ pudding on the shelves at Kroger
